In 2023, Seneca Polytechnic launched the institution-wide “Curriculum Integration Project,” an initiative to build meaningful and authentic integration of three priority areas: Truth and Reconciliation; Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; and Sustainability across all Seneca programs. The overall goal of the project is to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action to be informed treaty partners, to equip all students to face equity challenges in their fields and think in a globally minded way about sustainable futures.
This session will: (a) describe the project goals and overall approach to working with faculty; (b) examine the strategies and deliverables designed to support this work; and (c) share lessons learned, measurement of project impact, and implications for future work.
Together with an interdisciplinary team, the Teaching and Learning Centre designed and delivered a curriculum integration program for faculty representatives from a variety of academic areas. Using a “journey” metaphor, the faculty explored curriculum integration in the three priority areas, first by attending “Concepts” sessions and engaging with online materials and discussions. The journey then moves to “Curriculum,” where faculty analyze their programs for gaps in the priority areas and to identify opportunities for these themes to live within their courses. In “Classroom,” faculty reflect on teaching approaches that align with the three priority areas, such as decolonizing the classroom, culturally responsive pedagogies, Universal Design for Learning, and other approaches that align to the TRC Call to Action 63, iii, “Building student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect.”
We will also explore the implementation phase, and ongoing supports such as guest speakers, Teaching and Learning Centre website and resources, and the ever popular “Curriculum Cafe” drop-in sessions! Last, we will outline how we are measuring the impact of this work through methods such as focus groups, baseline and feedback surveys, and content analysis of course material. We will share helpful considerations and insight into how we support and work alongside faculty as they revitalize their curricula, teaching approach and overall mindset in this unique and comprehensive project.